Ahmaud Arbery Murder | «They Said & Heard Some Of The Most Racist Statements Made In a Court Of Law» , Rev. Al Sharpon
They Said & Heard Some Of The Most Racist Statements Made In a Court Of Law». #AhmaudArbery #AlSharpon
Ahmaud Arbery’s parents, Wanda Cooper and Marcus Arbery, arrived in court holding hands with Reverand Al Sharpon. Other reverand and black community personalities have been coming to the McMichael/Bryan trial.
During her closing argument , attorney Laure Hogue made a statement that has been received as racist while describing Ahmaud Arbery. She referred to his toe nails as «dirty toenails». A statement that, as we can hear in the live footage, creating a gasp reaction within the court. She added that Arbery wasn’t wearing any socks to cover said «dirty toenails».
While the family is waiting for the jury’s deliberation, Reverand Al Sharpon gave a conference in which he emphasizes the racists statement that Arbery’s family has had to endure.
They Said & Heard Some Of The Most Racist Statements Made In a Court Of Law».
Reverand Al Sharpon
The McMichael/Bryan trial also referred to as the Ahmaud Arbery Trial on social media, is the trial of the murder of 24-year-old Ahmaud Arbery in February 2020 by Travis McMichael, Gregory McMichael and William Bryan in the subdivision of Satilla Shores. Arbery was on a jog when the murder happened. Travis McMichael shot Arbery three times with a shotgun.
RELATED : Defense Attorney Laura Hogue Talks About Ahmaud Arbery’s Dirty Toe Nails
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